Old Man Scanlon's Topsfield Fair 1997 Homebrew Competition Results

Old Man Scanlon's Jordan Kraatz American Pale Ale
Max. Points Category Judge:  F. Espourteille
Qualifications:  National
Judge:  Cliff Beringer
Qualifications:  Certified
10 Bouquet/Aroma (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Other Characteristics (4) 7 Hoppy, Cascade. Some off aromas. Caramel sweetness apparent. Big nose. 6 Sprucey/anise like hop aroma.
6 Appearance (as appropriate for style) Color (2) Clarity (2) Head Retention (2) 5 On the dark side. OK -- huge head initially. 2 Slightly cloudy, dark amber color, huge foamy cream-colored head.
19 Flavor (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Conditioning (2) Finish (3) Balance (4) Other Flavors (4) 10 Caramelly, malty with high bitterness. Possibly a bit too much of everything. Good balance. Finishes astringent. Can taste the alcohol a bit too much. Great beer, but too big for style -- overcarbonated. 10 Toasted malt flavor (uncharacteristic of American pale ale). Rich maltiness like a doppelbock but thinner, hops lacking, especially in flavor, lacks fruitiness.
5 Body (as appropriate for style) full or thin 4 A bit too full. 4 Full for style.
10 Drinkability & Overall Impression 8 Well, I like the beer, interestingly enough. It's not a pale ale at all, closer to a doppelbock but lacking the alcohol for that but it's there. 7 A decent sturdy ale, but a bit too big for style. Alcohol apparent. Good brewing, just add more water next time. Very drinkable, good for the coming cold weather.
50 Maximum Score 34 Score 29 Score

Old Man Scanlon's Lion's Tooth Old Ale
Max. Points Category Judge:  Len Lemieux
Qualifications:  National
Judge:  Randy Reed
Qualifications:  Recognized
10 Bouquet/Aroma (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Other Characteristics (4) 5 None to speak of. Some light malt -- some caramel as it warmed. 5 Low aroma evident.
6 Appearance (as appropriate for style) Color (2) Clarity (2) Head Retention (2) 5 Beautiful deep straw color with amber highlights -- just short of brilliant. Decent head that didn't last (normal) 5 All OK. Slightly less than brilliant. Amber color. Good head retention.
19 Flavor (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Conditioning (2) Finish (3) Balance (4) Other Flavors (4) 11 Hops out of balance with malt. Some minor astringency. 10 Strong hop bitterness with little malt to balance it. OK flavor, but is astringent. If all grain -- watch sparge temperature.
5 Body (as appropriate for style) full or thin 3 On the light side. 4 Medium.
10 Drinkability & Overall Impression 5 Overall a clean beer. Cut back on hops. Use a less attenuative yeast to bring out the malt more. Could use a higher mash temp if a grain beer. 6 Good effort. Relatively dry, which is OK. Perhaps try a different yeast and same recipe. No major flaws.
50 Maximum Score 29 Score 30 Score

Old Man Scanlon's Der Schmetterling Oktoberfest
Max. Points Category Judge:  Stu Tallman
Qualifications:  National
Judge:  Jason Kinchen
Qualifications:  Recognized
10 Bouquet/Aroma (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Other Characteristics (4) 5 Some phenolic aromas. Malt dominates over hops. 3 Some malty characteristics, but also a slightly clovey, mediciney phenolic smell.
6 Appearance (as appropriate for style) Color (2) Clarity (2) Head Retention (2) 4 Dark, hazy, head's OK. 3 A little too dark for style. Very cloudy. Good head.
19 Flavor (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Conditioning (2) Finish (3) Balance (4) Other Flavors (4) 10 Sour, astringent, oxidized flavors detract from recipe. 10 The phenolics and some astringency detract. A pretty good malt profile could use some more bittering hops for balance. Some nice toasty notes are appropriate for style. Finish should be drier.
5 Body (as appropriate for style) full or thin 4 OK. 4 Medium.
10 Drinkability & Overall Impression 6 Hard to tell balance because of sourness, lighten malt color, needs to be smooth and clean. 5 Looks like a good recipe -- just a little too dark and more bitterness needed. Watch your technique and sanitation.
50 Maximum Score 29 Score 25 Score

Old Man Scanlon's Pelican Porter -- Third Place
Max. Points Category Judge:  Sarah White
Qualifications:  Recognized
Judge:  Stu Tallman
Qualifications:  National
10 Bouquet/Aroma (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Other Characteristics (4) 6 Roasty/toasty aroma. Some phenols. Some malt. 7 Malty, coffee, some hops.
6 Appearance (as appropriate for style) Color (2) Clarity (2) Head Retention (2) 4 Dark brown beer, brownish creamy foam. 5 It's dark, clear, with nice head.
19 Flavor (as appropriate for style) Malt (3) Hops (3) Conditioning (2) Finish (3) Balance (4) Other Flavors (4) 14 Flavor a nice balance of acidity and dark roast malt. Slight burnt/dry finish. Some hop bitterness in finish. 12 Malt has an acidic flavor, some roasted flavors, hops are nondistinct, finish slightly sour.
5 Body (as appropriate for style) full or thin 4 Thin -- medium. 4 OK.
10 Drinkability & Overall Impression 6 Nicely balanced. Could use more malt and less acidity. 5 It's dry, acidic, needs a little more malt smoothness to round out beer. Hop amount is fine.
50 Maximum Score 34 Score 33 Score

Scoring Guide
Excellent (45-50) Exceptionally exemplifies style, very minor flaws, if any
Very Good (36-44) Exemplifies style well, may have a few minor flaws
Good (30-35) Exemplifies style satisfactorily, usually has a major flaw
Drinkable (20-29) Does not exemplify style and/or has several major flaws
Problem (<20) Problematic, recipe or brewing technique needs attention