Images of, and selected extracts from, Henry NAILOR's Civil War pension record from the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC.
Henry NAILOR's complete pension file comprises 70 legal-size sheets generated over a period of 24 years. He applied seven times, starting in 1891, before his pension was approved in 1909, and he died in 1915. The Table of Contents below lists each sheet in chronological order and provides links to scans of the forms, and, where ambition has triumphed, partial transcriptions of them (hard as it is to believe, even for a complete nerd there are many prospects more attractive than transcribing government forms). Sometimes the date is not explicitly specified, in which case I've used the earliest applicable date.
Department of the Interior,
Washington, D. C.
September 10
, 189
Will you kindly answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your family.
Very respectfully,
/s/ J. L. Davenport
Acting Commissioner
No. 1. Are you a married man? If so, please state your wife's full name, and her maiden name. Answer: yes—Catherine or (Katie) Kennedy
No. 2. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer: December 25, 1885, Slatersville, R. I., Rev. C. M. Perry
No. 3. What record of marriage exists? Answer: On Town Records, Slatersville R. I. and Northbridge Mass.
No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer: Neither I or my wife were previously married
No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names
and the dates of their birth. Answer:
yes, John Henry Nailor born Oct. 18, 1886,
Adaline Nancy Nailor born June 10, 1890,
Jane Ellen Nailor born Dec. 23, 1892,
Joseph Edward Nailor born March 16, 1895,
Margaret Mary Nailor born June 26, 1896,
Winifred Frances Nailor born Aug. 3, 1897
Date of reply, Sept. 13th , 189 7
/s/ Henry Nailor
ACT OF JUNE 27, 1890
NOTICE.—This can be executed before a Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or a Court of Record, or any officer duly qualified to administer oaths.
State of Massachusetts , County of Worcester , SS:
ON THIS 20 day of February , A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within and for the county and State aforesaid Henry Nailor aged 52 years, a resident of Whitinsville , County of Worcester State of Mass who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Henry Nailor who was ENROLLED as a Private on the 25 day of March , 186 5 in Company C of the 65 Regiment of N. Y. Vols., in the war of the Rebellion and served at least ninety days, and was honorably DISCHARGED at Halls Hill Va on the 17 day of July , 186 5 That he is Partially unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of Rheumatism Heart Trouble, & Piles That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he has — applied for a pension under application No. 1,065,050 [sic, 1,062,050] That he is a pensioner under Certificate No. — That he has not been employed in the military or naval ervice otherwise than as stated above and when ordered for examination desires to be ordered before the Board of Surgeons at Woonsockett County of Providence , State of Rhode Island That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States, under act of Congress approved June 27, 1890. He hereby appoints, JOSEPH H. HUNTER, of Washington, D. C., his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That he hereby agrees to allow his said attorney a fee of $10 when the claim is allowed. That his Post Office address is Whitinsville , County of Worcester , State of Massachusetts
/s/ Henry Nailor
/s/ William H. Aldrich
/s/ Arthur L. Searles
/s/ George F. Searles
Justice of the Peace
In the matter of the Pension Claim of Henry Nailor late of Co. C. Reg't. 65 N Y Vols., personally came before me, a in and for said County and State, Dr. C. H. Harriman , of Northbridge , County of Worcester , State of Mass who I hereby certify is a respectable and credible person, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid claim that his age is 46 years; that he has been a practising physician for the past 20 years; that he has made a careful medical examination of the above-named claimant, and find his present physical condition as follows:
There is an irregular action of the heart slight valvular stenosis. The said applicant has also internal hemorrhoids which bleed profusely at times. I have treated said Henry Nailor more or less for rheumatism since 1890. The first attack was in 1890, or thereabouts, dates of which I have not now in my possession. It is my opinion the heart trouble is due to the rheumatism which he states he has had since he was discharged from the army. He is able to work only one half of the time. In my opinion his diseases date back to the time he was in the army and are due to the exposures then[?] of[?] his army life. This statement is written by me without being aided or prompted by any written or printed memorandum or recital prepared or dictated by any other person and not attached as an exhibit to my testimony
/s/ Charles H. Harriman M.D.
/s/ George F. Searles
Justice of the Peace
He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Original
Heart troubles him greatly. After working only moderately it beats hard & quickly. Prevents sleep. causes some shortness of breath. Piles bleed frequently, lose several ounces at times. Rheumatism in back.
We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions:
Pulse rate,
78. 90. 102
(Sitting, standing, after exercise), respiration,
20. 24. 28
(Sitting, standing, after exercise), temperature,
, height,
inches; actual weight,
pounds; age,
Nutrition & muscular devel. good. Healthy in appearance. Palms
hard. Grasp good. Mill operative.
Heart — extends 2d space to 6th space left side 1/2 in. right of
sternum to 1 in. outside left nipple, apex beat visible 1 1/2 sq.
in. area. 2 1/2 in below 1/2 in. inside left nipple. Sounds 1st
prolonged & dull. 2nd clear and sharp. Impulses forceful
regular — no murmurs, dilatation, cyanosis, oedemas or dyspnoea.
Hypertrophy left heart. Arteries thickened not due to rheumatism or
alcoholic excesses. Probably due tobacco & tea excesses, &
hard manual labor, lifting & tugging a good deal as a young man,
"rate 6/18"
Rheumatism — all muscles, tendons & joints are normal in
ever [sic] respect "no rate"
Piles — anus entirely surrounded by skin tags. Not inflammed
[sic]. 3 small internal piles one shows signs of ulceration
& bleeding. Otherwise the rectum is healthy "rate 4/18"
Lungs — normal upon percussion & auscultation.
Kidneys — urine yellow. Acid. gr 1.020 no albumen or sugar.
Except as above all organs are healthy
Habits — Liver normal. No glandular enlargements, skin,
throat, osseous & nervous systems normal.
State of Massachusetts , County of Worcester , SS: On this 16 day of August , A.D. one thousand nine hundred and two , personally appeared before me, Henry Nailor a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, Henry Nailor , aged 55 years, a resident of the town of Milford County of Worcester , State of Massachusetts , who, being duly sworn according to law declares that he is the identical Henry Nailor , who was ENROLLED on the 25th day of March , 18 65 , in Co. "C" 65 Reg. New York Vols in the service of the United States, in the war of the rebellion, and served at least ninety days, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Hall Hill, Va. , on the 17th day of July , 18 65 .
That he is unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of Heart disease, Rheumatism and Piles . That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent.
/s/ Henry Nailor
/s/ Dennis Duggan
/s/ George R. Taft
He makes the following statement in regard to the origin of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him: "Heart beats very hard if overexerts or hurries. Has troubled him 8 yrs. Rheumatism past 12 years. In both shoulders. Sometime in hands. Piles past 8 years bleed occasionally"
Birthplace, Missisquoi Canada , age, 55. years; height, 5.6. ; weight, 150. pounds; complexion, dark ; color of eyes, gray. ; color of hair, gray. ; occupation, carpenter ; permanent marks and scars other than those described below, none.
We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions:
Pulse rate,
72. 74. 78
[Sitting, standing, after exercise]; respiration,
18. 18. 24.
[Sitting, standing, after exercise]; temperature
Well nourished. Good musc. devel. Palm hard. Grasp good. Healthy in appearance.
Heart disease. 2D space to cart[?] 6th rib. 1/2 in right
sternum to 3/4 in outside left nipple. Apex beat 2 1/2 in below, 1/2
in inside left nipple. Sounds & impulse forceful, regular. No
murmur. Slight hypertry. left ventricle. No dilat. & no dyspnoea,
cyanosis or oedemas.
Rheumatism. Both shoulders 18 in. Around both metacps. phal. joints
9 in. All other joints, muscles & tendons are normal.
Piles. 2 large external skin tags entirely surround anus. 2 int. piles size[?] pea. Neither shows
evidence of recent bleeding. Otherwise rectum is normal.
Lungs are normal in every respect.
Kidneys. Urine yellow. Acid. gr 1.020. No albumen or sugar.
No other disability is found to exist.
"We find the aggregate permanent disability for earning support by
manual labor is due to slight hypertrophy heart and hemorrhoids, not
due to vicious habits, and same is not sufficient to warrant the
minimum rate."
State of Mass. , County of Worcester , SS: On this 31 day of March , A.D. one thousand nine hundred and nine , personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the county and state aforesaid, Henry Nailor , who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 62 years of age, and a resident of Milford County of Worcester , State of Mass. ; and that he is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Plattsburgh N.Y. under the name of Henry Nailor , on the 25 day of March , 18 65 as a Pri. , in C. 65th Regt. New York State Vols. 1861 in the service of the United States, in the Civil war, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Hall Hill Va. , on the 17 day of July , 18 65 .
That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: height, 5 feet 6 inches; complexion, light ; color of eyes, hazel ; color of hair, brown ; that his occupation was laborer ; that he was born in Canada , 18 , at October 1846
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: Worcester and Whitinsville Mass. in Vermont New York State and Milford Mass.
/s/ Henry Nailor
/s/ James E. Cahill
/s/ Michael F. Kennelly
/s/ Louis Hayden
Justice of the Peace, Milford, Mass.
Sir: To aid this Bureau in preventing anyone falsely personating you, or otherwise committing fraud in your name, or on account of your service, you are required to answer fully the questions enumerated below.
You will please return this circular under cover of the enclosed envelope which requires no postage.
1. When were you born? Answer October, 1846.
2. Where were you born? Answer Canada, Miscoe Bay.
3. When did you enlist? Answer 25 day of March 1865
4. Where did you enlist? Answer Plattsburg N.Y.
5. Where had you lived before you enlisted? Answer Addison Vt.
6. What was your post-office address at enlistment? Answer Addison Vt.
7. What was your occupation at enlistment? Answer Laborer.
8. When were you discharged? Answer July 17, 1865
9. Where were you discharged? Answer Halls Hill, Va.
10. Where have you lived since discharge? Give dates, as nearly as possible, of any changes of residence. at Addison Vt. before & after war 21 yr. Since close of war Vergennes Vt. 12 yr. Worcester Mass. 8 yr. Whitinsville Mass 13 yr. for last 8 years Milford Mass.
11. What is your present occupation? Answer Carpenter
12. What is your height? Answer 5 feet 6 inches. Your weight? 158 The color of your eyes? Hazel The color of your hair? brown Your complexion? light Are there any permanent marks or scars on your person? If so, describe tthem. none
13. What is your full name? Please write it on the line below, in ink, in the manner in which you are accustomed to sign it, in the presence of two witnesses who can write.
/s/ Henry Nailor
/s/ James Conley
/s/ Louis Hayden
Date: April 19 , 190 9
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions, with the information that in the case of Henry Nailor Co. C , 65 Reg't N.Y. Inft the records show personal description as follows: Age 18 , height 5 feet, 6 inches, complexion light , eyes hazel , hair brown , place of birth Canada , occupation laborer
/s/ H. Ainsworth
The Adjutant General
Per /s/ E
Treasury Department,
Office of the
Auditor for the War Department,
Washington, D.C. April 20 , 19 09
Respectfully returned to the Hon. Commissioner of Pensions.
In the case of Henry Nailor , late Private , Co. C 65 Regiment, New York Inf Volunteers, no claim having been filed in this office on account of his services, the desired information can not be furnished. The name of the soldier is signed by cross mark, to such of the company pay rolls as have been examined.
State of Mass. , County of Worcester , SS
In the matter of Increase of pension by Henry Nailor late of Co. C, 65 N.Y. Inftry
Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace , in and for the aforesaid County and State, Henry Nailor , aged 62 years, citizen of the town of Milford #54 Lawrence St. , County of Worcester , State of Mass. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That I am the above named applicant and have to say: That I was born to the best of my knowledge and belief at a place called Missisco Bay, Canada in Oct. 1846. This is the birth date I have always known, my mother died when I was some 12 years of age and my father died some 30 odd years ago. I do not know of any baptismal record in any shape or form. I was simply told I was born in the year 1846. I have no education, have had little if any schooling. I don't know of any body living who can certify as to the date of my birth.
/s/ Henry Nailor
29 April 1909
/s/ Louis Hayden
Justice of the Peace, Milford, Mass.
State of Mass. , County of Worcester , SS: On this 20 day of May , A.D. one thousand nine hundred and Twelve personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the county and state aforesaid, Henry Nailor , who, being duly sworn according to law declares that he is 66 years of age, and a resident of Milford County of Worcester , State of Mass. , and that he is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Plattsburgh N.Y. under the name of Henry Nailor , on the 25 day of March , 18 65 as a Pri , in Co. C. 65th New York State Vols in the service of the United States, in the Civil war, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Hall Hill Va. , on the 17 day of June [sic] 18 65 .
That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: height, 5 feet 6 inches; complexion, light ; color of eyes, hazel ; color of hair, brown ; that his occupation was laborer ; that he was born Oct. , 18 46 Canada
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: Addison Vt.; Worcester, Whitinsville & Milford Mass
/s/ Henry Nailor
/s/ Louis Hayden
Justice of the Peace, Milford, Mass.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D.C., January 2, 1915
Sir: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the enclosed envelope, which requires no stamp.
Very respectfully,
G. M. Saltzgaber, Commissioner.
No. 1. Date and place of birth? Answer.
Canada Oct. 1846.
The name of organizations in which you served? Answer.
Co. C 65th New York Vols.
No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? Answer. Plattsburg N.Y.
No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer. Catharine Kennedy
No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer. Married, Slatersville, R.I. Nov. 1885 (Clergyman unknown)
No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage? Answer. Unknown If so, where? Answer.
No. 6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her death or divorce. If there was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives. Answer. No. First marriage
No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of her former husband, the date of such marriage, and the date and place of his death or divorce, and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval service, and, if so, give name of the organization in which he served. If she was married more than once before her marriage to you, let your answer include all former husbands. Answer. First marriage of wife
No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation? Answer. Wife died 1909 May 10
No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead. Answer.
John H. Nailor son, born Oct. 18, 1886
Adaline G. Nailor " June 10, 1889
Jane E. Nailor " Dec. 23, 1892
Jos. E. Nailor " Mar. 17, 1894
Margaret Nailor " June 26, 1896
Catharine Nailor " Nov. 4, 1898
Winifred Nailor " Aug. 1, 1897
Alice Nailor " Mar. 15, 1899
[he's a year, and maybe a day, off on Joe & Alice]
Date Mar. 24, 1915
/s/ Henry Nailor