Quoted phrases are transcribed from the column headings of a random instance of a digital census image for the given year (assuming that all census forms are identical), other phrases are my summary of the heading.
1 "Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitation"
2 "Families numbered in the order of visitation"
3 "The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1850, was in this family."
4 "Age."
5 "Sex."
6 "Color, White, black, or mulatto"
7 "Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each Male Person over 15 years of age."
8 "Value of Real Estate owned."
9 "Place of Birth. Naming the State, Territory, or Country."
10 "Married within the year."
11 "Attended School within the year."
12 "Persons over 20 y'rs of age who cannot read & write."
13 "Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict."
1 Dwelling serial number
2 Family serial number
3 Name of person living there a/o 1 June 1860
4 Age
5 Sex
6 Color
7 Profession, occupation, trade
8 Value of real estate
9 Value of personal estate
10 Place of birth
11 Married within the year
12 Attended school within the year
13 Over age 20 and illiterate
14 Deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, convict
1 Dwelling serial number
2 Family serial number
3 Name of person living there a/o June 1870
4 Age
5 Sex
6 Color
7 Profession, occupation, trade
8 Value of real estate
9 Value of personal property
10 Place of birth
11 Father foreign-born?
12 Mother foreign-born?
13 Month if born within year
14 Month if married within year
15 Attended school within year?
16 Cannot read
17 Cannot write
18 Deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic?
19 Male citizen of U.S. aged 21 or more?
20 Ditto, with abridged voting right for non-criminal reasons
1 Dwelling serial number
2 Family serial number
3 Name of person living there a/o 1 June 1880
4 Color
5 Sex
6 Age
7 Month of birth during last 12 months
8 Relation to head
9 Single
10 Married
11 Widowed
12 Married during last 12 months
13 Occupation
14 Months unemployed during last 12 months
15 Disabled a/o 1 June 1880
16 Blind
17 Deaf & Dumb
18 Idiotic
19 Insane
20 Maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled
21 Attended school during last 12 months
22 Cannot read
23 Cannot write
24 Birthplace
25 Father's birthplace
26 Mother's birthplace
1 "Number of dwelling house, in the order of visitation."
2 "Number of family, in the order of visitation."
3 Name
4 Relation to head
5 "Color or race."
6 "Sex."
7 "Date of birth."
8 "Age at last birthday."
9 "Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced."
10 "Number of years married."
11 "Mother of how many children."
12 "Number of those children living."
13 Self: place of birth
14 Mother: place of birth
15 Father: place of birth
16 "Year of immigration to the United States."
17 "Number of years in the United States."
18 "Naturalization."
19 "Occupation."
20 "Months not employed."
21 "Attended school (in months)."
22 "Can read."
23 "Can write."
24 "Can speak English."
25 "Owned or rented."
26 "Owned free or mortgaged."
27 "Farm or home."
28 "Number of farm schedule."
1 Dwelling number
2 Number of family
3 Name
4 Relationship to head
5 Sex
6 Race
7 Age
8 Marital status
9 Number of years of present marriage
10 No. children born
11 No. children now living
12 Birthplace of person
13 Birthplace of father
14 Birthplace of mother
15 Year of immigration to U.S.
16 Whether naturalized or alien
17 Able to speak English?
18 Occupation
19 Industry
20 Worker?
21 Out of work April 15, 1910
22 Months out of work in 1909
23 Read?
24 Write?
25 Attended school since Sept. 1,1909
26 Home owned/rented
27 Mortgaged or free
28 Farm or house
29 Number of farm schedule
30 Civil War veteran
31 Blind
32 Deaf and dumb
1 Street
2 House number or farm, etc.
3 No. of dwelling house in order of visitation
4 No. of family in order of visitation
5 Name
6 Relation to head
7 Home owned or rented
8 If owned, free or mortgaged
9 Sex
10 Color
11 Age
12 Single, widowed, married, divorced
13 Year of immigration to U. S.
14 Naturalized or alien
15 Year of naturalization
16 Attended school any time since Sept. 7, 1919
17 Able to read?
18 Able to write?
19 Self: place of birth
20 Self: mother tongue
21 Father: place of birth
22 Father: mother tongue
23 Mother: place of birth
24 Mother: mother tongue
25 Able to speak English?
26 Occupation
27 Industry
28 Employer/worker
29 No. of farm schedule